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ABE 6483 Introduction to Remote Sensing Technologies: 3 hours.  

Topics: Electromagnetic interactions, passive sensors, multispectral and hyperspectral optical sensors, active sensors, imaging radar, SAR Lidar, digital image processing, natural resource applications. 

Period: Fall 2022

ABE Problem-solving skills for engineering  

To be developed

Presentations and seminars

Martins, V.S., Roy, D.P.. Recommendations and case studies for an interoperable Machine Learning training data standard, NASA Earth Science Data System Working Group (ESDSWG), Online, December 15 2021.

Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Martins, V.S., Boschetti, L., Africa burned area product generation and validation with Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and commercial Planetscope imagery, 11th Southern African Fire Network (SAFNet) meeting, July 28-29 2021.


Roy, D.P. and Martins, V.S., Examples and thoughts on machine learning training data reusability and standards for high resolution land surface change mapping, 2021 ESIP Summer meeting, July 22 2021.


Martins, V.S., Satellite remote sensing and deep learning for land cover mapping: new opportunities, 1st UFR Scientific, Technological and Innovation Initiation Workshop, March 26, 2021.


Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Li., Z., Martins, V.S., Zhang, H.K., Yan, L., High spatial resolution multispectral reflectance time series using Planetscope and NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data, Planet online colloquium, February 24 2021.


Roy, D.P., Martins, V.S., Huang, H., Egorov, A., Wei, G., Wang, R., Machine learning PLANET high resolution training data for medium resolution land cover & disturbance mapping, NASA Earth Science Data System Working Group (ESDSWG) Meeting, Online, February 10 – 12 2021.


Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Li., Z., Martins, V. S., Zhang, H.K., Yan, L., Evaluation and generation of consistent high spatial resolution multispectral reflectance time series using Planetscope and NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data. Invited oral presentation in Commercial Smallsat Data: Research and Applications in Earth Science I session, Fall Meeting, AGU, Online Everywhere, December 1-17 2020.


Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Martins, V. S., Boschetti, L., Africa Burned Area Product Generation with Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 and testing the use of high resolution Planetscope imagery, 2020 NASA LCLUC Annual Science Team Meeting, October 19-21 2020.


Roy, D.P., Huang, H., Yan, L., Li, Z., Zhang, H.K., Martins, V. S., Egorov, A., Analysis Ready Data – looking forward and to high spatial resolution, Summer 2020 Landsat Science Team Webinar, September 2 2020.


Martins, V.S.. Deep learning for image classification: overview and applications. 2-h lecture/graduate program. Remote Sensing Division, National Institute for Space Research. Organizer: Ieda Del'Arco Sanches, August 21 2020.

Martins, V. S.;  Kaleita A. L.; Gelder, B. K.; da Silveira, H. L. F.;  and Abe C. A.. Exploring Object-Based CNN Architecture for Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data, poster presentation, Advanced Geospatial Cyberinfrastructure for Deep Learning Posters, Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, December 9-13, 2019.

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