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Funding from

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 

Advancing Agricultural Research through High-Performance Computing 

PI: Robert J. Moorhead, MSU Geosystems Research Institute, Starkville, MS, USA
Co-PI: Kristine Evans, Bindu Nanduri, Melanie Boudreau, Cooper Brookshire, Zhiqian Chen, Joby Czarnecki, W. Isaac Jumper, Dana Morin, Mahalingam (Ram) Ramkumar, Brian Smith, David Smith, Garrett Street, Robert Wills, Yun Yang, Seong Yun, and Vitor S. Martins, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS, USA
Research Fellow
: Uilson R. V. Aires (MSU)


The Advancing Agricultural Research through High-Performance Computing (AAR-HPC) project is a collaborative agreement between Mississippi State University and the USDA-Agriculture Research Service (ARS). The goal of the AAR-HPC project is to address some of today's most pressing agriculture and food security issues through the creation of a collaborative, multi-disciplinary science "hub" designed to answer challenging questions in areas such as disease ecology, epidemiology, and landscape agroecology. This hub will be uniquely poised to develop and apply analytical, numerical, and computing technologies within a Big Data Paradigm to answer challenging questions such as:

- What are the biotic and environmental drivers of the spread of infectious diseases in plants and animals across complex landscapes?

- How can emerging technologies like sensors, unmanned aerial system imagery, and machine learning be applied to predict dynamics of disease across spatial scales from sub-organismal to landscape, regional and global?


More about the project



Link to storymap: "Deep Learning-Based High-Resolution Crop Mappingby Ahmed Alam ( 2023 Summer Research Experience - Advisor: Vitor Martins.

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