Join us!
Ph.D. and MS assistantships
GCER lab offers an interdisciplinary space for computer scientists, engineers, software developers, physicists, and biologists. The ideal candidate will have relevant domain expertise in remote sensing, excellent written and oral communication, and considerable experience with satellite data analysis and programming.
Graduate assistantship and Postdoctoral fellowship
We have one Postdoctoral Fellow position in GCER for now.
Undergraduate research assistantship
Open position: GCER lab is looking for highly motivated undergraduate research assistants. Candidates are expected to be interested in programming, machine learning, and data processing. The start date is flexible, and the expected minimum time is 10-20 hours per week.
For further questions, please contact Dr. Vitor Martins at vmartins AT abe.msstate.edu.
Our Address:
Charles Lee Agricultural & Biological Eng. Building
130 Creelman Street
Mississippi State, MS 39762

The Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Mississippi State University provides students with opportunities to pursue careers in the fields of biomedical engineering, medicine, ecological/environmental engineering, and sustainable energy resources.
The department has consistently attracted some of the top academic students at Mississippi State. The faculty interacts extensively with the undergraduate and graduate students and involves them in many multi-disciplinary projects. More than 6,000 square feet of state-of-the-art instructional and research facilities include separate labs for sterile tissue culture, biomechanical testing, environmental and agricultural studies, electronic/robotic design fabrication and testing, fiber processing, GPS/GIS, renewable bio-energy, and student computing resources.